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Dear Ridgeview Students,

On behalf of the faculty and staff, welcome to Ridgeview Elementary for the 2024-2025 school year! We look forward to working with you and your parents to help you have a wonderful year and attain your educational goals.  We believe all students will be productive citizens at Ridgeview and in the future.  This is possible when the school is in partnership with students, parents, and the community. 

We have high academic, behavioral and social expectations for each of you. We expect that all students are kind, safe and responsible. Our goal is that you have fun while learning and growing at Ridgeview.  We want you to develop a love for learning that lasts a lifetime! You will benefit from the many advantages our awesome school has to offer by being actively involved in your own education. Your teachers will provide you with the tools necessary to help you be a successful student.  With our guidance, it is your responsibility to utilize these tools and do your personal best each day.  

We are here to help you every step of the way through your years at Ridgeview School.  If you find yourself in a challenging or difficult situation, seek out the help from your teachers, the counselor, the principal, or any staff member on campus. 

This Student/Parent Handbook is designed as a resource tool for all Ridgeview students and your parents. It is intended to help you, the student, understand your responsibilities related to school, as well as make you aware of the opportunities available.  It is your responsibility to know and understand the contents of this handbook, pages 1-14.  
We will have a great year!

Mr. Mike Zatzke, M.A. Ed.
At Ridgeview School, we believe:
  • Every student can learn according to his/her potential.
  • Students respond positively to consistent high expectations.
  • Learning basic skills is fundamental for educational growth.
  • Students learn best in a caring environment that cultivates personal responsibility.
  • Everyone at school is to be respectful and understanding of individual needs.
  • Educational success requires a cooperative effort between staff, parents, and students.

Dear Parent/Guardian,
Please review the Student Handbook with your child and then complete the information below when you have finished.

My child, ____________________________, and I have reviewed and understand the 2024-2025 Student Handbook.

______________________________                          _____________________________
Student Signature           Parent/Guardian Signature
Note:  This signature page may remain in the student planner. 


Ridgeview Elementary School Compact

It is our desire that families and school personnel work closely to help students achieve high academic and behavioral standards. Please review this Student Compact with your child, and sign it by September 1st. Handbook Compact



Improving student achievement is a goal of the Eureka Union School District. To monitor student learning, students are given classroom, district and state assessments. Assessments are used to recommend student placements in various school programs and to plan how to increase student achievement at school and across the district.
On a daily basis, teachers check for student understanding of grade level standards using formal and informal classroom assessments. Each trimester, teachers complete a series of assessments to report student progress on report cards. 
Students are given diagnostic assessments at the beginning, middle, and end of each school year. Teachers use information from these assessments to plan instruction and monitor student progress toward meeting district standards. 
The district assessment in use for the 2024-205 school year is called iReady.


Academic Intervention is provided to students within their classroom through differentiated instruction in various means.
  • Teachers design lessons to be accessible to students with a variety of skill levels.  These strategies are often referred to as Universal Design for Learning, or UDL. 
  • Teachers utilize specialized, self-adapting  programs, such as IXL (“I excel”), to provide weekly time where students practice math and reading skills at their own pace.  During this time, teachers work directly with small groups of students to build skill areas that need more intensive intervention.
  • Students potentially needing additional support may be referred by their teacher to a Student Success Team (SST) meeting.


Your account and password will remain the same as long as your child attends school in the Eureka Union School District.  If you need assistance setting up an account or accessing an existing account, please contact the school office.


Students participate in P.E. classes biweekly. P.E. is taught by a credentialed P.E. teacher. The program is designed to increase fitness and improve skills. Students are required to wear shoes and clothing conducive to participating in P.E. activities on their P.E. days. Students may only be excused from P.E. if they have a note from a parent or doctor. Notes from home may excuse a student from P.E. for two consecutive P.E. classes. Beyond two days, a doctor’s note is required to be turned in to the Ridgeview health office.  Fifth grade students participate in the California Physical Fitness Test each spring


Students participate in Library lessons delivered by our Library Tech for 30 minutes weekly.  Students participate in lessons that extend classroom concepts, review literacy concepts such as genre and style, connect to our character development program, or explore topics of the season.


  • All students receive music instruction 30 minutes once a week with a credentialed music teacher.  This music course is intended to increase an appreciation for musicality and vocal music.
  • All fourth grade students receive direct classroom instruction from a credentialed music teacher each spring in playing the recorder.
  • Fifth and sixth grade students may join the school band.  Fifth grade Beginning Band introduces students to wind and percussion instruments.  Sixth grade Band continues the skills learned in fifth grade and prepares them for junior high school band.  A credentialed band teacher, in a co-curricular schedule, teaches band.  Students who miss classroom curriculum work are required to make up any missed work.


Various lunchtime activities occur throughout the year. Lunch Bunch occurs during lunch with our school counselor. Students are encouraged to listen to our morning announcements and check the weekly Roadrunner Review for information regarding additional lunchtime activities.  Students who do not demonstrate appropriate behavior or participation in their education may be excluded from Lunchtime Activities.


A team including the principal and teachers, with input from students, will seek opportunities throughout the year to celebrate students for positive behavior, as well as plan special activities during recess, lunch or class time.  Students who do not demonstrate appropriate behavior or participation in their education may be excluded from Special Activities.

OUTDOOR EDUCATION: October 7-11, 2024

The sixth grade attends an environmental outdoor education camp in the fall.  Westminster Woods is located in the redwoods of western Sonoma County, near the Russian River and the Sonoma Coast. This program takes the students from the classroom to a new environment where they study elements unique to the outdoors. Concepts of the environment are better taught through first-hand experience of discovering, observing, and being actively involved. Participating students pay a fee for this program. Scholarships are available from the PTC for families needing assistance. It is our philosophy that every student earns the opportunity to attend Outdoor Education by meeting reasonable standards in the areas of behavior and academic effort.  Students who do not demonstrate appropriate behavior or participation in their education may be excluded from Outdoor Education.


Students may pre-purchase yearbooks.  Families are notified when yearbooks are on sale.  Purchases are placed online; the school may sell remaining yearbooks at the end of the school year.  Yearbooks are distributed during the last week of school. 


Each student is issued a set of books for the school year. Students are expected to care for the books and materials and return them in June in a similar condition. Students are charged for excessive wear, tear, and damage to classroom and library books and need to clear fines by the end of the school year. 


Late work due to absence may be made up without penalty: one additional day per day of absence is the district guidelines.  At teacher discretion, late assignments may receive a maximum grade of 70% provided it is of appropriate quality. Teachers will communicate which assignments may be redone. Parents are encouraged to access PowerSchool in order to monitor their child’s progress.


Eureka Union School District's Updated Board Policy on Homework (March 20, 2018) 
The Board Policy (BP) and Administrative Regulations (AR) have been updated to reflect current research on the effective homework design and its impact on student achievement and well-being.  
  • Purpose of Homework:
    • Practice - Reinforce skills and concepts that were taught in the classroom. 
    • Completion - Complete tasks that were not finished in class (e.g. rewrite of an essay, complete a problem set).
    • Preparation - Prepare students for upcoming lessons or units, as well as studying for tests 
    • Self-Regulation Skills - Help teach students critical fundamental skills such as planning, organization, time management, and responsibility.
  • Homework Guidelines on Quantity: 
    • Grade 4- Average of 40 minutes of homework per night, Monday – Thursday
    • Grade 5- Average of 50 minutes of homework per night, Monday –Thursday
    • Grade 6- Average of 60 minutes of homework per night, Monday – Thursday


Parents may request homework for a student absent more than one day by emailing the teacher or calling the main office prior to 10:00 AM. The assignments may be picked up in the office from 3:30 to 4:00 PM. If your child is only absent one day, please do not call for homework.  Some teachers record assignments in Google Classroom or on a teacher website; please check there to stay informed regarding homework.  


  • Independent Study is a voluntary program in which students may be enrolled when it is necessary to be away from school for five to ten school days.
  • Parents wishing to enroll their children in the EUSD Independent Study program shall do so through the Master Agreement for Short Term Independent Study.  This Master Agreement (Contract) must be signed by the student, parent/guardian, teacher and Principal.
  • Parents must notify the School Office Staff (Secretary or Clerk) to request a Short Term Independent Study Contract NO LESS THAN FIVE (5) BUSINESS DAYS PRIOR to the initiation (first day) of the contract.  Assignments will be provided on the school day prior to the entry date noted on the contract.  All assignments must be returned to school no later than the school day following the exit date noted on the contract in order for the student to receive attendance credit. All Short Term Independent Study Contracts need to be completed prior to two weeks from the last day of school, and no new contracts will be started during the last two weeks of school and there are no contracts during CAASPP testing in May.  For 2024-2025, all contracts must be completed by May 16, 2025
Content of Master Agreement (Contract)
  • Teachers will prepare specific assignments and expectations for student learning to be completed during the term of the Contract.  These learning expectations will be directly aligned with classroom instruction, to the extent possible.
Attendance Accounting
  • Full attendance credit will be given if all assignments are completed at the level of teacher expectation and are submitted in accordance with the timeline specified in the Master Agreement. 




The Ridgeview Staff give tickets to students who demonstrate the Big Three (Kind, Safe, Responsible). The tickets are turned into the office and are entered into a special drawing daily and/or weekly. Students whose tickets are drawn receive an incentive. 


The Character Program emphasizes demonstrating positive character traits.  Our Character program is based on the Six Pillars of Character from Character Counts: trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship.  Character Traits are selected for each month of school and may include additional character traits as determined by the staff as areas for school-wide focus.  Weekly Wisdom videos are presented to students each week which teach students aspects of these character traits, introduce goal setting, and facilitate self reflection.  Students may be selected to appear on a Shout Out Weekly Wisdom video to share their goal, growth, or positive character they have seen other students demonstrate.
Each month, selected students from each class will be recognized at an assembly for their outstanding achievement.  Parents and families are encouraged to attend these presentations and join in the celebration of their students.  Students will receive a certificate and a token of appreciation. 


Each Friday, students are encouraged to wear school colors or school shirts.  On spirit days, students participate in special dress days such as ”sports day” or “silly hat and hair day”. Classes with the highest participation receive the spirit trophy for their classroom for the next month.



The Ridgeview School Staff believes that each student has a right to an outstanding education in a safe and caring environment. It is the responsibility of parents, students, and staff to work together to create this environment.  


The following are general expectations.  Students will be taught specific kind, safe and responsible expectations for around the campus at the beginning of the school year as well as throughout the school year.  
  • Be kind to yourself, to each other and to the school
  • Be respectful at all times 
  • Use appropriate school language and gestures
  • Teasing, bullying and fighting is not allowed at school
  • Clean up materials, trash, and personal items in the classroom and at lunch
  • Clean up litter on the school grounds when you see it
  • Follow classroom, playground, and school rules/policies
  • Be in supervised areas only
  • Walk when inside buildings and on sidewalks
  • Line up properly before entering rooms
  • Use class and school materials and equipment properly
  • Complete classwork and homework on time
  • Study for quizzes and tests
  • Ask for help when you need it 
  • Be knowledgeable and demonstrate understanding in your behavior/actions of class & school expectations
  • Return to class promptly when the bell rings at the end of recess, lunch or other classes/activities
  • Have cell phones, Apple watches (and other such devices) off and in your backpack during the school day 


Cell phones, Apple watches and other such devices must be turned off and kept in backpacks while students are on campus before school and during the school hours, 8:50 a.m.- 3:30 p.m. (2:20 p.m. on Wednesdays).  Students may use their phones after school. If used during school hours, phones will be held in the office until the end of the school day.


Ridgeivew students have a district issued Chromebook for use in grades 4-8. Students must have a signed Technology Use Agreement in order to use school computers. Students must abide by the Technology Use Agreement, and students breaking the contract may lose their computer privileges.  Computers may only be used for school related projects and communication.
Internet use is part of the curriculum and a necessary tool for learning. To the extent practical, steps shall be taken to promote the safety and security of users with Ridgeview’s online computer network. Access to the Internet, Google Drive, and other classroom related technology is a privilege for pupils who show a responsible and mature approach to its use.


Plagiarism is a form of cheating involving improperly or omitting the author or source. Cheating includes taking or giving work to another student to use during learning tasks.  Consequences may include reduction of the academic grade and/or a behavior referral.


Student dress should not be disruptive to the educational program. Parents may be asked to bring a change of clothing if deemed necessary. The school principal, or designee, has the final decision in dress code compliance. Students/parents should check clothing before leaving home to ensure dress code compliance.
Please follow these guidelines: 
  • Dress should be modest, neat, clean, appropriate and compatible with educational activities, including P.E. and daily recess. 
  • For safety reasons, shoes must be worn at all times. Sandals must have a strap around the heel.  An appropriate change of shoes should be brought on P.E. days. Slippers are not allowed.
  • Shorts and skirts must be long enough to cover students appropriately. No short shorts or short skirts. 
  • Torn jeans/pants/shorts must cover students appropriately.   
  • Halter tops, tube tops, and tank tops with oversized armholes are not appropriate at school.
  • Undergarments should not be seen.  
  • Midriffs must be covered.  A student’s upper wear (shirts, blouse, etc.) should comfortably meet with lower wear (pants, shorts, skirts, etc.) while sitting, standing, and doing physical activity at school.
  • Overalls should be worn with dress code appropriate shirts & both straps are to be fastened securely.
  • Pajamas are not allowed (except on designated spirit days).
  • Emblems, words, and pictures on clothing should be appropriate to the elementary educational setting. No drug, alcohol, tobacco, or weapon references or images shall be worn.  
  • Caps/hats should be worn with the bill facing forward; hats/hoods will be removed in the MPR for assemblies, in the library (per library clerk request) and in the classroom (per teacher request).


School is a place of business and should be treated accordingly. Inappropriate displays of affection by students is not acceptable at school or at any school sponsored activity. 


Gum chewing is NOT allowed on campus at any time.


Students are encouraged to bring only school related items to school. Students should not bring large sums of money to school. Students may not trade or exchange money or items. Personal property having no bearing on studies is not allowed at school, including, but not limited to, toys, stuffed animals, blankets, or other non school related items. The principal, or designee, has the final decision on the outcome of personal or prohibited items brought to school. Teachers and/or the principal may hold items for parents to pick up in the main office during school hours. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen personal property. 


Certain personal items are not allowed at school, including, but not limited to, the following items: pocket or other knives, aerosol cans, glass bottles, and all objects which, in any way, might be considered dangerous. The principal, or designee, has the final decision on the outcome of personal and prohibited items brought to school. Teachers and/or the principal may hold items for parents to pick up in the main office during school hours. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen personal property. 


Bullying is defined as unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children and includes the following:
  • An imbalance of power: Kids who bully use their power—such as physical strength, access to embarrassing information, or popularity—to control or harm others. Power imbalances can change over time and in different situations, even if they involve the same people.
  • Repetition: Bullying behaviors happen more than once or have the potential to happen more than once.
  • Bullying includes actions such as making threats, spreading rumors, attacking someone physically or verbally, and excluding someone from a group on purpose. Bullying may be verbal, social or physical. 


Sexual harassment exists when the action being complained of is considered by a reasonable person of the same age and gender as the victim to be sufficiently severe as to have a negative impact upon the student’s academic performance or creating a hostile or offensive educational environment. Prohibited sexual harassment includes but is not limited to: persistent unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and verbal, visual or physical conduct of a sexual nature made by someone from or in the educational setting (including jokes, drawings, slurs, threats, leering, stories, gestures, rumors, touching).




Students are expected to adhere to behavior/discipline policies. Classroom teachers, paraprofessionals, and other school staff may issue referral slips when a student fails to follow classroom or school-wide rules.
Consequences for failing to abide by school expectations and policies may include one or more of the following:
  • Warning by the teacher
  • Reteaching the correct expected behavior 
  • Contact with the parent via phone call, email or behavior referral notification
  • Student/teacher conference
  • Parent/student/teacher conference
  • Referral to the principal
  • Student/principal conference w/parent notification and/or student/principal/parent conference
  • Loss of privileges (student council, intramurals, field trips, special activities, detention, or other)
  • Behavior intervention lesson during lunch or recess
  • Other means of correction
  • Suspension and/or recommendation for expulsion 


The Eureka Union School District adopted Suspension and Expulsion procedures based on California Education Code guidelines. Students should be aware that the following behaviors are considered very serious and may be used as grounds for suspension or expulsion from school if the infraction occurs while on school grounds, while going to or coming from school, and/or during or while going to or coming from a school sponsored activity. Please note that this is a partial list of CA Ed Code guidelines. Infractions include, but are not limited to: 
  • Causing or attempting to cause physical injury to a person.
  • Possessing a dangerous weapon.
  • Possessing, selling, using, or furnishing a controlled substance, alcoholic beverages, or intoxicant.
  • Stealing or attempting to steal school or private property.
  • Possessing or using tobacco.
  • Selling, offering, or possessing drug paraphernalia.
  • Committing an obscene act or using habitual profanity or vulgarity.
  • Disrupting school activities or otherwise willfully defied valid authority.
  • Knowingly receiving stolen property.
  • Causing or attempting to cause damage to school or private property.
  • Engaged in an act of bullying, including electronic bullying.
  • Harassment of others. (BP 5145.1)





School hours are 9:05 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and 9:05 a.m. to 2:20 p.m. every Wednesday. Students arriving after 9:05 a.m. must check in at the office before going to class. Students may arrive between 8:50-9:05 a.m. Students may only arrive earlier if they are participating in a supervised school activity. Supervision is not provided for students who arrive before 8:50 AM or remain later than 15 minutes after dismissal times.  

The main office is open 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. daily. 


Students may not leave campus for any reason unless signed out by an authorized adult. Any parent checking out a student must come into the school office. Students stay in their class until the office calls for them. Other adults checking out a student must be listed on the emergency contacts or have a signed note from the parent stating that permission is granted for the school to release their student to that person. After school, students are to leave campus within 15 minutes of dismissal unless involved in a school sponsored activity.


Daily school attendance is essential for student success.  By law, parents are obligated to send their child to school daily.  Please try to schedule appointments during non-school hours.  A student’s absence is deemed excused for the following reasons: personal illness, quarantine under the direction of a county or city health manager, medical/dental/orthodontic and other medical appointments, or attendance at a funeral service of an immediate family member.   When your student is absent from school, state law requires verification of absence. Please call our attendance line (916) 791-6129 by 10:00AM.  If you do not call, your child must bring a note to the office when he/she returns to school to clear the absence. Students with chronic absenteeism or excessive tardies may be considered truant, and parents/guardians are notified through the following processes:
  • Attendance Overview Letter: Mailed notification when absences and/or tardies have accrued to the point that parents should monitor attendance.
  • Attendance Letter # 1: Mailed notification when absences and/or tardies present a continued concern to the school and may necessitate a meeting in the future.
  • Attendance Letter # 2: Mailed and E-mailed notification that absences and/or tardies present a significant concern and a School Attendance Review Team (SART) meeting will be scheduled.  The SART team consists of the parents/guardians and the principal, and the team may include additional members (Clerk, School Nurse, School Counselor, Teacher, Case Manager) depending on the reasons behind the attendance concerns.
  • Attendance Letter # 3: Mailed and E-mailed notification that attendance has continued to be such a significant concern following a SART meeting that the School Attendance Review Board (SARB) process has been initiated. (Education Code Section 4826.5)


Students arriving after the first bell at 9:05 a.m. must check in at the school office before going to class. Excessive tardiness has a detrimental effect on learning and is disruptive to the educational process. Excessive tardiness is considered Truancy. (Education Code Section 4826.5).


Due to the volume of requests and multiple classroom interruptions, we encourage parents to refrain from calling with  nonessential personal messages and/or dropping off items such as food, school supplies, or homework/class assignments. Parents are encouraged to let students assume personal responsibility for remembering these items.  Items brought to school will be placed at the front office and students may pick them up during non-instructional time.

Special occasion balloons and flowers are not allowed on campus.  Thank you for understanding that interruptions disrupt the educational process. No delivery services are allowed for students (for example, DoorDash).  


Ridgeview School is a closed campus.  Once students arrive on campus, they must remain on campus until the end of the school day or until a parent signs them out in the school office, unless attending a school-sponsored field trip.


The goal of the EUSD Transportation Department is to provide safe and reliable transportation for the students of the District.  Students are to follow the bus rules at all times when riding a school bus to and from school and/or on field trips. Transportation questions and concerns are to be directed to the Transportation Department at (916) 774-1231. 


Bicycles, skateboards, and scooters must be locked in the bike rack area. Please review safety rules with your children. It is a state law that all children riding these vehicles wear helmets. Staff on duty will bring students without helmets to the office.  Cyclists/skateboarders/scooter riders need to walk on the sidewalks within the school zone.  Riding across the blacktop or backfield is not permitted.


Students should only play at Feist Park, before or after school, when supervised by a parent or guardian.  


Students are encouraged to label all of their personal belongings. Unclaimed lost and found items are donated during winter/spring breaks and at the end of the school year. Please check the lost and found storage rack near the MPR for items. 




This online process must be completed before the school year for every student. Once it is completed, the student has access to computer use and gives parents a portal for creating/updating their parent access accounts to their child’s PowerSchool information. Through the Annual Registration Process parents electronically sign the Technology User Agreement, complete emergency information, and other essential data for their child. 
It is imperative that emergency contact information be kept current. In the event of an emergency, the school must be able to contact a parent/guardian or other emergency contact. Whenever there is a change in address or phone number, notify the office as soon as possible


All visitors and volunteers are required to check in at the office before going onto campus and are required to wear a visitor’s badge or sticker. Volunteers must complete required district forms and clearances to volunteer at school or on field trips.  If a conference with the teacher is desired, an appointment should be set with the teacher during non-instructional time. When school is in session, all visitors must go directly to the school office to register (Penal code 627.6) before entering the campus. Please do not distract teachers while they are on playground supervision duty; they are there for student safety.


Fire drills are practiced monthly and other emergency drills are practiced throughout the year. During drills and actual events, students are to follow the directions of the teacher and/or staff member and, if evacuated, to report in a quick and orderly manner to their assigned area for role call and follow-up instructions.


When students need to take medication during school hours the following procedure must be followed: 
  1. The parent or guardian will notify the school nurse or school office of the need for the student to take medication during school hours. A school Medication Form must be completed and signed by the attending physician and parent.
  2. Forms will be kept with the medication in the school office.
  3. Medication must be brought to the school office by the parent in the original prescription container.
  4. Students may carry their own epi-pens and own inhalers provided that all guidelines are followed and proper paperwork has been completed. The necessary forms are available in the office.
  5. Medicine, including aspirin & throat lozenges, shall not be kept in a student’s pocket, lunch box, desk, backpack or the teacher’s desk.
Unless a completed medical form is on file in the school office, school personnel cannot give medication. 


On days when the air quality is predicted to be in the unhealthy range, our office uses the web site to track current conditions.  At such a time as an unhealthy level is reached, students are kept indoors for the remainder of that day.